“Wisdom is PROVED RIGHT by all her CHILDREN.” (Luke 7:35)

In a world of religion, ritual, hierarchy, control, money, marketing, and more flavors than 10,000 Baskin Robbins—how can we know what is Right and True?
Some just give up. Bad move. JESUS LIVES and REIGNS!
Some simply “go along to get along” to conform to culture and biological family. Really bad move, unless you are a lemming and don’t care about the destiny someone else has chosen for you.
But then JESUS, knowing this day would come, said, “By their fruit you shall know them” and “Wisdom is PROVED RIGHT by all her CHILDREN.” (Luke 7:35)
Find some random offspring from whatever you wish you knew more about, look carefully at the second generation, and see if the gates of Hell are prevailing—as they would in a “mere words” and “mere ceremonies” attendance-based religious organization. OR, is satan getting busted in the mouth by that second generation? What is the fruit and the quality of LIVES of the children—once they can make their own choices? Then you’ll Know.
“Wisdom is PROVED RIGHT by all her CHILDREN.” (Luke 7:35)
For those who may not fully Understand the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Supernatural nature of a TRUE conversion instead of joining a religious club: Unless and until a person young or old Sees the utter wretchedness of their flesh (however they personally have selected to express that selfish lustful independent pride-filled flesh)—they cannot be Saved and Indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The event of ReBirth is just as real and radical and painful as its shadow, the first birth of flesh and blood. Transformed from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of the beloved Son, with the Creator himself coming to live inside of that person, all things made new—is a RADICAL event.